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Our existence in this world is still enshrined in myths. For thousands of years different religions offered their explanations, and asked people to believe them. For the last couple of hundred years, the science stepped in, and also asked to be believed.
‘‘The eternal mystery of our world is its comprehensibility.’
This statement is attributed to Albert Einstein, and the truth about our world cannot be formulated in any simpler way. All what is happening around us has at least one plausible explanation, and all could be explained in uncomplicated and logical terms. Our mind, body, our dreams, the mysteries like hypnotism, time, all are addressed in this book.
Yet, this book requires no beliefs at all. The explanations offered in this book, are based on derived logical arguments, drawn from the comparison of our world to the digital world of computers.
This book also deals with misconceptions in the prevailing scientific knowledge, and corrects some grave errors, still ruling the science of today. The content of this book is concise and comprehensible. It’s aim is to create an open discussion of addressed topics, and is open-ended to any corrections and remarks from its readers.
With the exception of topics described in appendixes, this book does not require any deeper understanding of physics or mathematics. The only requirement is the willingness to think.
Book 'Hmm ...'
Paperback, 129 pages, 64 B&W illustrations. ISBN 9781697759891
First time published in 2013 under name 'Modeling Reality', revised and enhanced edition 'Hm ...' in November 2019

Topics addressed:

■   How our world was created, what are we, and what is the purpose of our life?
■   What is observed light, subjective universal time, what is our mind, hypnotism and dreams?
■   Presented is also the corrected concept of Doppler Effect and Lorentz’s Transformation.
■   The unexplained, 'extraordinary' results of Michelson–Morley experiment are finally explained.
■   The book is written using easy to understand terms, and is supplemented with 65 illustrations.

some illustrations Universe Is Not Infinite New Religion Called Science

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Book’s Summary

Considering our world as being an image in the mind of an observer existing in infinity, explains nicely the paradox of something existing only if it is observed. It also explains why something could exist simultaneously in more than one place (quantum superposition), and why any changes in the object’s properties reflect immediately on all instances of that object (quantum entanglement). This modeling also allows for existence of parallel universes. The objects in our world are three-dimensional images, formed in the mind of an observer existing in the the infinity world. Our brain is a part of our existence in this world, and connects to our mind. Small, active part of our brain is used to control bodily functions, and create feelings and intellectual knowledge. It makes us what we are. The larger, passive part of our brain, contains only addresses, where all the different information is stored in our mind. Our mind represents our existence in the unknown world, where it forms a part of our observer’s mind. Contrary to a limited capacity and limited life of our brain, our mind and the mind of our observer in infinity are both limitless. Gathering of information in our mind during our life is the main purpose of our existence. Mind’s capacity is limitless, but retrieving stored information is restricted by the capacity of our brain, i.e., how many addresses it can contain. During our lives, these addresses could be removed or replaced, thus creating the process of remembering and forgetting.
Besides the universal time, in our world exists also another time, experienced by individuals, called subjective time, and they are both independent of each other. The rate of flow of universal time is constant throughout the whole universe, and the rate of flow of subjective time is subject to many factors affecting individual mind, such as observer’s surroundings, frequency of experiences, mental health, etc. Objects exist simultaneously in our world and in infinity, and they have infinite mind, which is subjected only to subjective time, and not universal time. . Given that in the infinity the universal time does not exist, objects there are not just limitless, but also eternal.

When our brain is awake, accessing information follows the direction from active brain stack to our mind. When in induced subconsciousness, our brain communicates directly with our mind. In that stage we could recall long forgotten information, still stored in our mind. The subconsciousness could be induced by drugs, hypnotism, during sleep, etc. Our body is very cleverly designed machine, self-built, self-repairing, and self-controlling many of its functions. It is not self-programming, though. It digests organic matter and converts it to hydrocarbons. They are delivered by blood to muscles and organs, where they burn and turn into an energy. We have only a partial control over our body, which could at any time disregard our wishes, and independently perform whatever is for the given circumstances programmed. Our body and our brain enables our mind in infinity to be present in our three-dimensional world. We have no concrete proof of the presence of the hidden word, we call infinity, but by observations and modeling, we could ascertain its existence.
There exist laws of nature, which we cannot change, and which apply without our input. The same applies to hidden constants, for example the Planck’s and gravitational constant. They are defined by the structure of the universe, and we have no means of changing them. They are part of the underlying matrix of our world, designed not in our world, but in the infinity world. The creation of our world follows a typical procedure of programming robots in our world, already known to us. It starts with some simple objects, followed by more complex and advanced objects. The steadily progressing miniaturization of the objects’ design is an obvious sign of increasing sophistication of the advancing technology of our civilization. When we compare this trend to our planet’s development, the similarities become very obvious. Firstly, only very primitive life started to appear, being later replaced by better designed forms. Unsuitable life forms, for example prehistoric dinosaurs, were ‘deleted’, since they presented a hindrance to further development of more versatile forms, like for example the humans. Even the initial development of humans was not what we are now. Firstly, they existed as primitive types, which later were replaced by more sophisticated forms.

Since the same code was reused and refined, we find many similarities between species, as for example, between fish and birds or Neanderthal man and Homo sapiens. Since everything in our world is programmed, it all follows the same in-built pattern of ‘boom and bust’. We are similar to bacteria cultures, and we obediently follow this pre-defined scenario. Short of total destruction of our civilization, we cannot find a common consensus of how to break this cycle.
For humans, the light is the most important attribute of our world. Our eyes were actually designed to cater for exactly the frequency and wavelength of this visible part of electromagnetic spectrum. That correlation has definitely not evolved. In this book we established that the light travels with its constant speed, only in relation to medium in which propagates, and is independent of the speed of its source. The general belief that, ‘nothing could travel faster than light,’ was found misguided. It is based on the calculations involving the Lorentz factor, which is used to define the concept relativistic mass. Lorentz factor describes only the delay in time, for the light to reach moving object instead of stationary object. It does not represent any change in the rate of time flow, as is wrongly assumed. The belief in slowing down the rate of time flow during interplanetary voyages, which is based on Lorentz factor, is therefore incorrect and cannot be substantiated. The progressing light, observed by different observers, becomes observed light, which is different. The observed light could have a shifted frequency, and it could even have a different speed than its constant speed c. The concept of observed light breaks down the principle of relativity, formulated by Galileo. This principle does not apply to the observed light, experienced by the moving observer, since there is a difference in frequency and speed between the progressing light and observed light. This is caused by movement of the observer in the restrictive medium.
The aim of teaching at our educational institutions is to present students with some already derived conclusions. During the course they are required to learn these accepted conclusions, and later be examined. They are not required to analyze them, and most of the students will not be doing it, even after leaving the educational institutions. This process thus carries many errors, introduced into the science, even a long time ago.

Examples in this book depict the misunderstood Lorentz Transformation, and mistakes created by using it incorrectly; especially in Einstein’s special theory of relativity. That has caused an inaccurated understanding of our world and universe. That has a direct impact on technological development, like for example is the use of the ‘flexible time’ concept.
Our programming model has simplified our perception of the universe. The logic of our model makes easier for us to answer many questions about our world, and about its beginning and possible ending. It is obvious that in our three-dimensional world, we will be looking in vain for answers to this. We are exactly in the same situation as are the objects in our two-dimensional model, searching in vain for answers to the same questions in their, two-dimensional world. We, as the creators of our model, are the only ones who know the answer to their question. Then our questions, concerning our existence in our world, could only be answered by the creator of our three-dimensional world.
Our world has to be a sophisticated computer simulation, and during our presence here, we accumulate experiences, which we take with us into infinity. At the end of our lives, the reason why we are here becomes plainly obvious to most of us: We are here to learn, and to become a better person than we were at the start of our lives.
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